Women's Rights during the Mid 19th century
1) Compare Catharine Beecher's views on women and reform with those of Elizabeth Cady Stanton .
2) As we can see, slavery and women's rights issues are in many ways related. But is it possible that only slavery was ended , and women still only have very limited rights, or women's rights issues were solved, but not slavery ?
3) What are some different effects of reforms and women's rights movements on women of different issues. (social, economic, ethnic, racial backgrounds)
4) What are some relationship between 19th century woman hood and other reform movements such as wages strikes and temperance?
5) Why did the issue of suffrage cause controversy?
6)When did the constitutional amendments have guaranteed the vote to women?
Please feel free to post your answers and thoughts! =)
Ling Chou
12/11/2010 04:27:10 pm

(Question 1) : - Elizabeth Cady Stanton would lean towards the more radical side of women’s rights while Catherine Beecher leaned more towards the moderate side. Catherine Beecher believed that women should influence public affairs indirectly and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called for immediately changes. Her ambition could be seen in the Declaration of Sentiments which protested the lack of legal and political rights for women and urged immediate action from women.

Ling Chou
12/11/2010 04:27:47 pm

(Question 2) : - Yes, it is possible for only slavery to end and women to still only have very limited rights. Slavery involved only African Americans as a whole population. However, women’s rights involved women of any color. Yes, it is also possible for women’s rights issues to be solved but not slavery. White women could be like the white men in the past who neglected the existence of black men in past documents (Declaration of Independence).

Ling Chou
12/11/2010 04:28:42 pm

(Question 6) : - The Nineteenth amendment, ratified in 1920, in the Constitutional amendments guaranteed the right to vote for women.


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